Hope When Hell Breaks Loose: The Book of Revelation
Sun, Jul 05
|ZOOM Meeting
Revelation - Week 3

Time & Location
Jul 05, 2020, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
ZOOM Meeting
About The Event
Join us as Pastor Brian leads us through week 3 of a seven week summer study of Revelation, a book written by an isolated pastor to encourage Christians during a very unstable, dangerous, and anxious time. John's vision has a lot of insight, wisdom, and yes, comfort to provide us as we navigate our own season of uncertainty and fear.
Classes will begin on Zoom with potential adjustments along the way, depending on health and safety factors. All you need are a Bible and an open mind. Please contact the office for the Zoom meeting information. Invite friends and join the conversation!
Below is the link to week 3 Zoom meeting for this Sunday.
Topic: Revelation - Week 3
Time: Jul 5, 2020 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Password: 403050
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