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Our Vision

Lutherans are Christians. We believe in the Good News of Jesus Christ. We believe that through the life, death on the cross, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has offered love and forgiveness to all people.


We believe that God's love is for all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, ancestry, national origin, cultural background, economic status, disability or political affiliations.


The love of God in Jesus cannot be earned and is not a reward for who we are or what we do. The Good News is that God loves us because we belong to God, we are part of God's creation and we are created in the image of God. Nothing we do, nothing we don't do and nothing that is done to us can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.


To learn more about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, visit their website.


Read more about our journey in becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation.

Our Vision

Our Congregation

Shepherd of the Valley has a church council that provides oversight of the life of our congregation including administration, worship, ministry and activities.


The council is made up of members of the congregation who are elected to make sure everything operates in accordance with the Word of God and faith and practice of the ELCA. The voting membership of the council includes the pastor and up to 12 members of the congregation including the officers.

Our Mission

Our Community

Jesus began his ministry by calling others to follow him in a community of friends and disciples that went wherever he went. The church was created when Jesus' followers were gathered together in Jerusalem during the days after his resurrection. The church, the community of Jesus' followers and his body in the world, is still found wherever Christians gather to worship, serve, share and grow in grace together.

Peace be to the whole community, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ephesians 6:23

We are a church for the whole community!

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