Spooky Bingo Night!
Wed, Oct 21
|Zoom Meeting
Updated with detailed instructions!

Time & Location
Oct 21, 2020, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Zoom Meeting
About The Event
Shepherd of the Valley SPOOKY Zoom Bingo Night - Hosted by The Fairlees
October 21 2020 at 7 PM
No prizes – just bragging rights and fellowship! Halloween Costumes, Decorations and Virtual Backgrounds Encouraged!
TO GET YOUR OWN UNIQUE BINGO CARD: Just enter your first and last name to create a card.
Click here: https://bingobaker.com/play/10b94405001c5924
PAPER BINGO CARD OPTION: We will be playing 6 games. So, if you prefer, you can print your card 6 times - or create and print 6 different cards by using the menu icon on the bottom right and selecting Print, then New, then Print, etc. You can then mark them as we play.
DIGITAL BINGO CARD OPTION: Play digitally without printing out your cards! On a separate device (such as a smartphone, tablet or 2nd computer) you can access your card via the Bingo Baker Link. You can then mark your card digitally by touching or clicking a space when your number is called. (Touch the space a second time to remove a mark if you make a mistake.) You can also clear or generate a new card at the end of each game using the menu icon on the bottom right. If you or your family want to play multiple cards digitally, simply follow STEP 1 for each device.
Please click the link below to log into this ZOOM Meeting to view the Bingo Caller:
Meeting ID: 849 6525 4168
Passcode: 913090
Important – no matter how many players you have in your household, you only need ONE connection to the ZOOM Meeting. Conserve bandwidth and have fun! Players can all watch together while marking their self-printed cards or cards generated on their mobile devices. Please note, if you are using a digital bingo card, it’s not recommended to log into Zoom with that same device.
If you have any questions, email, call or text Danielle Fairlee, daniellefairlee@mac.com, 818/606-2210.
Handy PDF reference sheet attached: Game Setup Options
THE MORE THE MERRIER (OR SPOOKIER!) So feel free to invite friends to join in this Virtual Parish Life event.