Dear Friends in Christ,
I am delighted and excited to report that on Pentecost Sunday, the Church's birthday, our congregation unanimously approved a motion from our council authorizing the Shepherd of Tomorrow Initiative, which we pray and expect will serve God's people well for years to come.
This initiative will include:
+ making necessary repairs to two rooftops
+ installing solar panels, saving significant amounts of energy and money long term
+ improving and expanding the sound, video, and lighting capabilities in the sanctuary
+ infusing our approved 2019 ministry budget with a necessary boost
+ tithing to camping and campus ministries, developing "shepherds of tomorrow"
Thanks to the remarkable generosity of lead givers, $170,000 of the $242,000 total goal has already been donated or pledged! We are hopeful to reach or pass our goal by the end of 2019.
Thanks also to too many people to name for their thorough research, donated expertise, smart questions, wise choices, and ongoing commitments to give us confidence that the forecasted budgets are as accurate as possible. Many additional details will soon be available on the church website, or feel free to contact the church office with questions.
I invite you to prayerfully consider making whatever contribution you can, above and beyond your regular offering, to support the Shepherd of Tomorrow initiative. Please consider this an invitation, not an obligation. Please receive this not as a burden but as an opportunity for those with means to invest in a better future for Shepherd of the Valley and God's wider church. To do so, please fill out, detach, and return the portion below or sign up to participate through our webpage listed above.
Thank you for considering, and God's abundant blessings to you this summer and always!